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Sleep Troubles May Cоmрlісаtе the Grieving Process

The loss of a loved one is a profound life event that changes everything. Despite common advice suggesting that people "move on" or "get over it," grief is not something that can be simply overcome. In fact, one of the lesser-discussed aspects of grief is its...

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The Benefits of Exercise on Mental Health

Exercise is any physical activity that engages your muscles and requires energy. Common forms include running, walking, swimming, and dancing. While most people are aware of the physical health benefits, such as weight control and improved cardiovascular health,...

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Signs of Post-Partum Depression

Having a baby is one of the most life-changing experiences a woman will ever face. Some feel joy and bliss, others feel dread and fear when they give birth for the first time. Sometimes, feelings of intense, unexplainable sadness can overwhelm a new mom, with...

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Signs That You May Be Being Gaslighted

Hаvе уоu ever bееn mаdе tо feel lіkе уоu аrе too emotional оr that thе things you bеlіеvе tо be true аrе only уоur mіnd рlауіng tricks on уоu?  Dо уоu knоw someone who соnѕtаntlу mаkеѕ you feel аnxіоuѕ, makes уоu quеѕtіоn уоur оwn sanity, оr leaves you feeling lіkе...

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The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Gone are the days when it took hours or even days for information to travel. In today’s society, news—whether positive or negative—spreads quickly. This means both uplifting and harmful content can have a significant impact. The social media-heavy environment we live...

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Can an Alcoholic Drink in Moderation?

For many people looking to develop a healthier relationship with alcohol without complete abstinence, moderation treatment can offer a path to success. Abstaining from alcohol entirely is not always a viable option for those trying to reduce their alcohol intake....

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Can You Take Time Off Work for Mental Health Reasons?

Mental health is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of our lives. Without a healthy mind, we are far less productive and happy, both at our work and at home. Asking to step away from work when suffering from a mental health condition or challenging time has...

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10 Common Myths About Addiction and Mental Health

Despite significant advances in acknowledging mental illness and the importance of mental health, numerous myths still persist. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (57.8 million in 2021)....

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How To Help Someone with A Porn Addiction

Pornography addiction is a uniquely sensitive issue that affects approximately 11% of men and 3% of women. If you suspect that someone you care about is struggling with a porn addiction, you might be wondering what comes next. In this blog, we explore the nature of...

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How to Let Go of Limiting Self-Beliefs

What we tell ourselves matters, especially regarding our perception of ourselves. Self-belief, or lack thereof, can shape our lives in many ways. When we hold onto limiting self-beliefs, we inadvertently put barriers in our path, stifling personal growth and restrict...

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