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Medical Marijuana and Recent Research

Over the past decade, the use of medical marijuana has grown exponentially. With evolving laws and a better understanding of its therapeutic benefits, marijuana for medical use is increasingly seen as a viable option for various health conditions. In this blog, we...

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6 Ways The Economy is Affecting Young Adults

As we progress through 2024, the global landscape is marked by economic uncertainties and challenges that cast a long shadow over the usual aspirations of young adults. From soaring inflation to the impacts of a post-pandemic world, the hurdles facing the younger...

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How to Create a Healthy Evening Routine, Without Alcohol

Having a serene evening routine helps us achieve a good night's sleep and a healthier mindset for the following day. We are used to moving at lightning speed as a society, and winding down can often seem like a challenge. For this reason, amongst others, many people...

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A Look Into the Impact of Marijuana on Productivity

Stereotypes and media portrayals of marijuana have painted a picture of total inactivity when it comes to its use. For decades, we’ve seen the classic “stoner” type showcased as a lazy, unproductive member of society. But is this the case for those who use marijuana...

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How to Quit Worrying

Worry and anxiety are both part of the human experience and affect just about everyone at some point in their lives, whether they have a diagnosed condition or not. No matter if it's concern about the future, finances, or health, nearly everyone has dealt with these...

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How to Build Resilience

Resilience is a skill that can be cultivated and honed over time, contrary to what many people believe. In fact, some used to believe that you were either born resilient or not. Fortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth. When we talk about resilience, we're...

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The Many Benefits of Taking a Break from Technology

To many of us, it seems like we are always connected, reachable, and constantly bombarded with information we don’t necessarily need. Our smartphones and social media have become a lifeline by which we can work and be social. While technology undoubtedly offers plenty...

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How to Motivate Young Adults That Live at Home

Motivating young adults who live at home can be difficult, as they are still residing in their childhood home but are autonomous adults to some degree. For parents, it might feel uncomfortable trying to ride the line between parenting and taking a back seat. If your...

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The Power of Validation in Helping People Stay Positive

Recent research suggests that offering support and understanding to distressed friends or family members, such as saying "I understand why you feel that way," can have a significant positive impact on their emotional well-being. In this study, participants recounted...

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