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Why Do Some People Feel Their Emotions in Their Gut?
Your gut is a complex system of organs that includes your stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. It's where the majority of the body's immune cells are found, along with 100 trillion bacteria that help digest food and protect against disease. These bacteria...
How To Get Rid Of Anxiety
Anxiety is an issue that plagues the vast majority of Americans. In fact, roughly 40 million adults suffer from a diagnosed anxiety disorder. This statistic does not include children, teens, or those that remain undiagnosed. In general, the severity of anxiety varies...
How Insomnia Affects Mental Health
Modern life works at a breakneck speed and demands that we bring our best selves to each task each and every day. Our cramped schedules can make sleep seem like a luxury or something to be “taken care of”. An early day at the office, a night spent working on the term...
How To Help Someone With Depression
Seeing someone you care for experience the life-altering pain of depression can be an overwhelming experience. Searching for the "right" thing to do and knowing how to help someone with depression can be equally overwhelming as you're bombarded with varying advice and...
Why Do Teenagers Rebel
Tееnаgе rеbеllіоn іѕ аn асt оf hіghеѕt аѕѕеrtіоn оf independence and lіttlе adherence to раrеntаl advice during thе tееn уеаrѕ оf a child’s life. It іѕ саllеd a “rеbеllіоn” because іt leads to an intense соnfrоntаtіоn bеtwееn thе teen аnd their раrеntѕ. Teenage...
How Do You Know if You Have PTSD?
PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is not a failure of strength, courage, attitude, toughness, or mental fortitude. PTSD can happen to anyone. One of the reasons for this is that trauma is a relatively common event. How do you know if you have PTSD? Current...
Grieving Thе Lоѕѕ Of A Pet
Lоѕіng a pet саn be extremely раіnful. In fасt, research hаѕ ѕhоwn thаt lоѕіng a реt саn bе juѕt аѕ оr mоrе painful thаn lоѕіng a loved оnе. Thіѕ іѕ because оf thе important rоlеѕ pets play іn thеіr оwnеrѕ’ lives. Pets often рrоvіdе thеіr owners wіth a sense оf...
Is Your Spouse Having a Midlife Crisis?
Early adulthood is a time of great excitement. We perceive the future as infinite and brimming with opportunities and success. It’s a phase of intense experimentation. Midlife is considered as ages from 40 through 55, with some wiggle room on either side. Midlife...
6 Helpful Strategies to Improve Your Sleep
Sleep is essential for the proper functioning of the entire body’s systems. Without it, the body and brain begin to suffer immensely. The amount of sleep we get every night is directly reflected in our overall health. Having strategies in place to improve your sleep...
How to Build a Life After Divorce
Marriage is one of the most significant milestones in one’s life. It marks the beginning of a new phase of life and brings with it many changes in responsibilities, aspirations, and lifestyle. Even though we know, on a rational level, that the fabric of life is woven...
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